Messaging and Positioning
Your organization's story should be succinct, easily understood, and compelling. Moreover, every person throughout your organization should know exactly how to talk about you.
When you have strong messaging in place, you'll feel confident in the rest of your marketing and communications strategy.
Messaging That Resonates
A messaging framework
A messaging framework is a must-have for nonprofit and B2B organizations. This easy-to-use tool gives everyone in the organization exactly what they need to communicate about the organization.
From complicated to clear and understood
Whether it's your website, social media, or an in-person event, your messaging should be clear and compelling. I help organizations step off the complicated train and move toward simplicity.
Positioning your org to
stand out
Your customers have a lot of choices. They need to know you are the right choice for them. That's where positioning comes in. I help organizations position themselves in a crowded marketplace.